Registration Information

Pre-registration is closed (maximum number of participants reached). Please send an email to to be included in the waiting list (deadline 2024-05-31) and/or if you want to attend the online lectures only.

As the number of students for the onsite practice session is limited to 35, the school board might ask for a reference letter from the Master/phD/postdoc supervisor and/or a motivation letter from the student before confirmation of the registration

 Pre-registered participants will be contacted shortly for final registration and payment

Registration fee will be 120€

Accomodation, food (breakfast + lunch + dinner) and transportation from Nice airport (Bus + boat) will be covered by the school. After pre-registering, please send an email to if you need additional funding for traveling to France (airplane or train). The email should contain a short justification for the funding, as well as your country of departure. You will be contacted later on. Note that funding is not guaranteed and will be provided on a best-effort basis from a dedicated budget of the Fizeau program



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